The new framework, which shall come into force by March 2022, aims to provide more flexible guidelines under which each world federation can decide on the participation of transgender athletes. This is in response to a long-running debate about the current universal requirements adopted by all federations.

Under the current guidelines, all athletes in all sports had to fulfil certain criteria, e.g. women were only allowed to have a certain amount of testosterone in their bodies.

The IOC no longer provides universally applicable guidelines such as a uniform testosterone level which may not be exceeded in order for transgender athletes to participate in the competition. Instead, an individual athlete shall only be restricted in a specific sport if «a consistent, unfair, disproportionate competitive advantage» can be demonstrated. Ten principles will help sporting associations to develop the criteria applicable to their sport.

The new guidelines are designed to advance gender equality and inclusion and respect for human rights. The mere assumption of an advantage for transgender athletes is inadmissible. Advantages must be based on clear evidences in order to restrict or ban the respective participation. In each sport the extent to which an athlete has a disproportionate advantage compared to their peers has to be determined inclusive taking into account the nature of the sport in question.


Do you have further questions? The HütteLAW team will be happy to advise you.

Author: Larissa Kälin / 19. Nov. 2021, 18:33